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Clear Thoughts 

A Combination of Pyrite & Tigers Eye

Primary Uses:

  • Protection
  • Strength
  • Energy
  • Will Power
  • Wealth
  • Confidence
  • Self-Expression
  • Self-Love
  • Manifesting Goals
  • Self-Esteem

Tigers Eye Description: Highly polished Tigers Eye Tumbled Stones. Help with Self-Expression, Self-Worth, Self-Esteem, Self-Definition, Self-Love, Self-Concept, Self-Criticism, and Manifesting your personal goals. This crystal combines earths energy and the sun together that helps ground it down and balance your chakras. This protective stone is great at helping you recognize your own personal needs and those of others. In addition help pay attention to detail and reacting to situations with facts versus simple emotion.

Pyrite Description:  Beautiful Rough Pyrite is an Iron Sulfate Material and can be found worldwide. Pyrite is a brilliant stone of manifestation. It helps allow each user to draw a high energy into the body. The natural energy from Pyrite stimulates the creative side of ones self which helps one embrace their own potentional. In addition, Pyrite is one that will encourage the user to overcome fears and weakeness and transform those fears into taking action to help become more confident.

**Together these crystals help one overcome fears, have the strength to move on, the courage to be creative, and the wisdom to follow through with their feelings**


On The Color Wheel:     Gold = Success, Enthusiasm Happiness

Zodiac Signs: Leo, Gemini, Taurus

Grade – A


For Hard Stones such as what’s in Clear Thoughts:  Simply Cleanse your Crystal with Cold running tap water for approximately 1 minute, and pat dry. Another way would be to fill a bowl with dry brown rice. Bury your crystal beneath the grains. Remove crystal after allowing to sit for 24 hours, dispose of Rice as it is said to have absorbed all the negative energy.

All Shapes, Sizes & Color Tones of the Crystals May Vary. Due to crystal size amount in jar could vary

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