


                                Primary Uses:

Spiritual Guidance
Personal Truth


Sodalite Description: Sodalite is a natural amplifier. This crystal is known to enhance the energy of the user around them. In addition, sodalite is a great crystal that helps you balance one energy from another. This crystal is known to help with your personal truth.

Sodalite is known to help with mood swings. Sodalite helps bring a higher mind down to the physical level, while helping the user meditate to help better understand circumstances the user is in. Sodalite helps clear electromagnetic smog.

**Sodalite helps one find truths, have the strength to communicate, the courage to trust their heart, and the wisdom to know trust spiritual guidance. **


On The Color Wheel: Blue – Truth, Wisdom, & Self-Expression

Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Sagittarius

Grade – A


For Hard Stones such as Sodalite:  Simply Cleanse your Crystal with Cold running tap water for approximately 1 minute, and pat dry. Another way would be to fill a bowl with dry brown rice. Bury your crystal beneath the grains. Remove crystal after allowing to sit for 24 hours, dispose of Rice as it is said to have absorbed all the negative energy.

All Shapes, Sizes & Color Tones of the Crystals May Vary.

SKU: amznt2-2 Category: